Your chance to feedback on the design of the National Student Survey
We’d like to invite you to take part in a study that IFF Research, an independent research agency, are undertaking on campus on Tuesday 23rd May and Tuesday 30th May 2017.
What is the National Student Survey?
The National Student Survey (NSS) is one of the largest annual student surveys in the UK, and aims to understand students’ opinions and experiences of their course. The NSS gives students such as you a powerful collective voice, and is an influential source of public information about higher education.
The survey is co-ordinated by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), on behalf of other UK funding bodies. HEFCE and their partners are currently undertaking an in depth review of the NSS. As part of this review they commissioned IFF to explore the questionnaire and design in depth.
Who are IFF?
IFF are an accredited member of the Market Research Society, and abide by its Code of Conduct. It would not be possible to individually identify you or your answers in the research findings, and your answers will not be passed back to anyone at University of Northampton, or HEFCE and their partners.
What do I have to do?
IFF would like to collect your feedback on some survey questions. This would involve taking part an on-campus, face to face, interview with one of their researchers, lasting roughly one hour. IFF would give every participant £20 in cash as a thank you for your time.
If you would like to take part, please let IFF Research know your availability on 23rd May and 30th May 2017 by emailing Alice House or Helen Wrathall at Alternatively, you can reach them on 0207 250 3035. If you have any disability or access requirements, then please let them know.
IFF are keen to ensure they speak to a broad range of students. So please let them know the following information when you respond:
· Name
· Gender
· Ethnicity
· Course Name
· Please specify if you study a lab based course e.g Biology
· Study mode (full-time or part-time)
· Email address
· Phone number
Your input in this review would be greatly appreciated and will help to shape the future of the NSS.
Thank you for your help in advance.