“When does my student loan come in?” Make sure you’re paid on time
If you’ve applied for the Student Finance Maintenance Loan, it can feel like you’re waiting forever between arriving on campus to begin your new term and seeing the nice £££ sum in your bank account.
There’s a few things you can do to make sure that you get your student finance loan on time. Luckily, we’ve got some valuable tips to share.
Get your declaration form signed
Life can be extremely hectic in the run-up to going to university. From applying, deciding what you’ll be bringing from home and planning your awesome fresher’s events, you may forget to sign and return your declaration form.
This forms tells Student Finance England that you agree to their terms and conditions and are happy to receive the green, so make sure it’s sent back to them ASAP so they are not waiting.
The next step is so simple for students to do. Enrol! Easy peasy. Once you’ve enrolled at university, we confirm to Student Finance England that you’re officially a student.
This can take up to a few days as we enrol thousands of students at once, but as long as you’ve successfully enrolled your work is done and you can relax!
See when you’re due
Once Student Finance have had confirmation that you’ve enrolled, you can go to your student finance account www.gov.uk/studentfinance to see when you’re due to be paid your loan.
This is where you’ll need to be patient and allow a few working days before the loan is in your account. This can seem like a struggle, but be strong.
If your loan is not in your account by said date, you may need to contact your bank to see when your money is being cleared.
If you find that you come across any issue within this checklist or you’ve completed the steps and you still haven’t received your payments, talk to our financial team who will be able to advise.
If you would like further information, please contact our finance team by emailing them money@northampton.ac.uk.