What to expect on open day | extra talks and information
So you’ve toured the new campus and gone to your subject talk… What else can you do on the day?
Open days are your chance to really get a feel for the university, and find answers to all your burning questions about studying with us. From accommodation to personal statements, here’s a selection of things which you can do.
Learn to put yourself in the spotlight…
We are offering a session all about perfecting your personal statement and what to include to give you the best shot at acing the application.
Location: Park Campus 12.15am — 12.45pm.
Get answers to finance questions…
If you are worried about your finances, or have a ton of questions about tuition fee loans and student finace, come to our financial support talk that covers, scholarships, bursaries and guidance.
Location: Park and Avenue Campus Time: 11.45am — 12.15pm.
Find more about postgraduate studies…
We are hosting a postgraduate drop-in session for a chance to speak to faculty representatives about your options.
Location: Park and Avenue Campus Drop in between 10am — 1pm.
And drink it all in…
There’s so much to do at an open day, you’ll need to keep up your strength.To perk you up there are various food outlets open for you to grab a quick bite or a coffee during the day. Park Campus has a restaurant and coffee shop, whilst Avenue Campus offers a main restaurant and a cafe in our historic Newton building.
What else is at the open day? Check out our mini-guides to Waterside and the Subject Sessions.