Travel Green
Here at UoN we’re keen on sustainable transport. Read more around travelling in and around Northamptonshire.
This week is National “Catch the Bus” Week so we thought we’d highlight the amazing work that UNO do, as well as other ways to get around the town.
Take the bus
Getting around Northampton and UoN couldn’t be easier. We have our own bus service within the town, with links between the university and other facilities.
Even though the bus isn’t completely free it’s a great form of transport for the environment.
Bus fares are subsidised for students and staff, so ANY single inner town routes will cost just 50p and anything outside of this will be £1 Monday to Friday.
On Foot
Walking is a surprisingly fast way to get around! You can avoid the dreaded rush-hour traffic and you never need to hunt for a parking spot. As a bonus you’re keeping active whilst contributing to your 10,000 steps a day.
Run errands
A jog to the university, supermarket or a friends saves time and means you do not have to pay for the gym on top.
FYI: running slowly (seven-minutes per mile) burns around 900 calories an hour. So no need to feel guilty post-domino’s.
Get on your bike
As well as it being great for your body and mind, cycling is also a fast and cheap way to get around town. We’ve got cycle hire scheme hubs on campus, where you’ll be able to rent a bike by the hour or for the day. Members of Cycle CoNNect get the first 30 minutes free meaning you could easily cycle between campus at no charge.
If you’re bringing your own there is loads of storage. And if you would like to buy a bike we are also pairing up Cycle Solutions offering 15% discount for students.