The Ultimate Guide to Surviving Freshers’ Flu
Lets face the facts: Freshers’ Flu is not nice nor is it pretty. You will catch it and you will die.
WE’RE JOKING! But you need to be prepared, there will be times where you will feel a bit poorly…
So, What is Freshers’ Flu? It’s a cold/virus/bug that some of you may catch during Freshers’ Week.
Why do people get Freshers’ Flu? It’s simple really; you’re entering a new environment with a lot of people you have never met before who bring with them their own little colds, sniffles and viruses and your body isn’t used to it.
Combine that with a vulnerable immune system that might be contributed to by:
- Consuming alcohol
- Going to bed at 7am
- A change in weekly diet
- Hugging people you have never met before
- Touching surfaces you have never touched before
and BOOM! you’re a viruses’ dream!
Worried? Don’t be! We’ve got the ultimate guide to help you survive Freshers’ Flu if it ever catches up with you.
1. Stock up on paracetamol and other mild painkillers (please take according to instructions, don’t be silly):
2. Remember it’s important to stay hydrated with WATER. Jägerbombs won’t help, y’know!
3. Open up your lifetime collection of boxsets. Friends will get you through this!
4. Unless you’re a Netflix kinda person...
5. OJ — The taste is oh-so refreshing. Plus vitamin C!
6. FOOD! Regain your strength with actual, proper, yummy food.
7. But it’s REALLY important you eat your greens too…vitamin C! (And other benefits, obvs.)
8. Get some snuggles from Mr Cuddles, your secret teddy bear that you packed when you came to uni.
9. Indulge in boxes of tissues. You’ll need ‘em!
11. DON’T indulge in the myth “hair of the dog”. It’s not good for anyone. Trust us. Over indulge on green tea if you must over indulge.
12. You will need your housemates! Stick together during this challenging time.
Now that you’re equipped with the ultimate guide, Fresher’s won’t be so intimidating. So get out there, meet new people! We cannot wait to welcome you to campus in September :D
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