You gave us your feedback. We listened
Last year students fed back on the NSS and gave us some really good advice. We couldn't wait to improve what we do here and share it with you all. Read on…
Each year we use the NSS to discover what things we can improve on to make your academic life better. Check out what you said, and we did in 2017.
You said: more IT support is needed.
We did: made an available resource for students with video support for a massive range of software.
You said: Nile is confusing, especially across different modules.
We did: Worked together with your lecturers to ensure you can easily access important tools for study. We then improved, updated, and standardised templates so that all webpages for modules work the same way.
You said: it was difficult to find a seat in the library.
We did: added more seats to group and silent areas across both libraries.
You said: Avenue Library needs longer opening hours.
We did: Avenue is now open until 12 am every day during term times. (A massive 21 extra hours a week!)
You said: more help needs to be available both on and off campus.
We did: added plenty more ways for you to reach out to us and get help; Skype tutorials are available via Learning Development, made FAQs and a Live Chat facility available on our webpages, created additional resources to the Skills Hub.
You said: the library needs more e-books and resources.
We did: purchased e-book ‘bundles’ including 135,000 on Academic Complete, and 100,000 for you to select. All these titles are 100% free for you to access on Nelson!
You said: the books were old and out-dated.
We did: got together with academics to bring in new and more relevant books. You can now also access most of our collection online through Nelson!
You said: access and support for courses that require printing.
We did: provided multiple printers across both campuses, along with trained staff members to assist.
Faculty of Business & Law:
You said: Human Resources needs more wider class discussion, as well as specific time allocated for practical group work.
We did: Reduced small group working, in order to engage with students as a class, and created a Changemaker Hub hosted group work session implemented into the module.
You said: Human Resources needs more practical assessments.
We did: Include more practical assessment asks including branding video and selection interviewing.
You said: Referencing is confusing!
We did: Human Resources created a session on reflective writing amd referencing that will be included with modules.
You said: More time is needed to discuss assignment briefs.
We did: Human Resources has set aside a designated week to discuss essays and assignments in advance.
Events, Tourism and Hospitality:
You said: Final year grades should have less focus on group work.
We did: We have changed the assessments for two modules to more individual based grades
You said: The final year has too many hand in dates in January.
We did: Changed hand in dates for two modules to December.
You said: Group grades should better reflect individual contribution
We did: Implemented online peer assessment across all three year groups.
You said: It would be better to have Risk Management on the same day as Events Professional Practice.
We did: Added a second class on that day.
You said: More opportunities to voice your opinions
We did: Monthly meetings between course reps and Programme Leader.
You said: Final year minor joint honours students should have a choice of modules.
We did: This is now implemented.
You said: Some people would prefer a more academic route in the final year, rather than a practical event.
We did: There is now the option to complete a dissertation.
Faculty of Arts, Science & Technology
You said: the sciences need more practical work.
We did: provided Environmental Science BSc with more opportunities for fieldwork, and added an option to take residential fieldwork at Slapton in second year.
You said: Art and Design students need specialist knowledge and IT support.
We did: provided our CAD room with suites with new iMacs, as well as new and improved digital cameras and specialist accessories.
We did: offered evening access for all Photography BA students in the build-up to deadlines.
We did: Extended the range of digital equipment including purchasing full-frame DSLRs and medium format digital cameras.
We did: created and facilitated collaborative group projects / workshops for Photography BA students at level 6, to integrate Top-Up students and enhance team-building skills.
We did: bought a new laser-cutter to reduce waiting during busy periods.
We did: provided Games Art BA students with more contact hours with staff by creating an extra support workshop (Tuesdays 1pm-4pm in MB6) for all years of study.
We did: created specialist dedicated spaces for final year students in all Fashion BA pathways.
We did: Extended the hours of Shoe Club evening run by Chris Hill for extra time and support, and invested in new industry standard Shoemaster 3D Software.
We did: Created a new and improved booking system for the laser cutter to reduce wait times.
You said: Foundation frameworks need smaller group sizes.
We did: made a 1:25 lecturer student ratio so classes aren’t overcrowded, and included a three day intensive personal development workshop into the first term of study.
You said: Acting BA needs Equity recognition, as well as programme recognition by Spotlight.
We did: we now have both!
You said: Multimedia Journalism BA needs more engaging Third Year News Days.
We did: looked over the old structure and improved on it completely!
You said: bring back the Computing Society!
We did: it’s back and better than ever with lots of fun and exciting events and opportunities that will also help with career development.
Faculty of Education & Humanities
You said: Special Educational Needs Inclusion has become disorganised, confusing, and doesn’t have enough placements.
We did: Revised modules in first and second year, and are looking towards improving on third year modules. Offered a choice of submission formats for third year students, as well as created work-based learning opportunities in all three years of the degree.
Faculty of Health & Society
You said: Faculty of Health and Society needs to do more to support students inside and outside of class.
- deep breath*
We did: Criminal Justice Studies BSc created a group e-mail address so there is always someone available to respond if one person is off sick, in addition to condensing role plays and assessed practicals into a full time 3 week period, to limit class description.
We did: Added condensed role plays and practicals for Criminal Justice Studies BSc and included extra skills support for 3 years working on their independent study.
We did: Introduced new assessment guidelines in advance of deadlines for Nursing students, which includes how marks are granted.
We did: Nursing Pathways introduced peer and student reviews of guidelines and rubrics to ensure they are clear enough.
We did: Increased the use of blended learning to enhance student experience and make courses more interesting.
We did: Human Bioscience BSc set up Kaltura sessions to support assignment guidance and feedback.
We did: increased input from learning development into the curriculum across a number of courses.
We did: increased the employability content in programmes across a number of courses, including subject-run careers and volunteering fairs.
…and exhale.