The curious case of my first 15 days at university
We catch up with international student Dhriti to see how she’s getting on since moving to the UK.
The first 15 days at the university are over. Were they good ? Yes. Were they bad ? Yes.
I personally feel after going through these first 15 days that the toughest part of moving to the University is finally over. In these first days at University I experienced multiple emotions at the same time.
The happiness of being able to attend University was definitely one of the very first emotions. My Mum and Dad came in to drop me off and were here with me for the first five days and in these days all I could do was think about how will I manage everything later? These days went by in a flash and soon they had to leave.
This was the biggest moment of realization that I now knew that the decision I had made was irreversible and in that moment of separation I definitely wanted to reverse it.
The next day I just lazed around and practically did nothing productive. It was a Saturday and I had nothing on my schedule. In my defence, I needed a day off to compose myself and this was just the one.
Sunday added a bit of sunshine though (literally as well!). The trip to London provided all the charge up I needed and with the week approaching I decided I will accomplish what I am here for and prove to myself and others why coming to University was a good decision.
The welcome week has been great so far. The induction sessions have been really informative and it now seems like I will be able to work my way through these years at the University.
The first fifteen days are now almost over (probably the toughest bit) I feel I have suddenly grown up and I feel that whatever happens now I can handle it.
With this I have a new resolve that no emotions should now hold me back from achieving what I am here for. It won’t be easy but nothing good in life comes easy.