Pokémon Go | New updates and Secrets!
Pokémon Go have unleashed 80 new Pokémon and University of Northampton campus is chock-full of them. Alumni Officer Nick and Harry from the Social Media team went to catch ’em all!
Before you go into your overdraft financing PokéBalls (like Harry), we wanted to give you some of the bits that we’ve discovered so far.
1) New Eevee evolutions
This was my highlight. Eevee can now evolve into Umbreon (dark type) and Espeon (psychic type). Not only that, but the old Eevee renaming trick is back. If you want Umbreon rename your Eevee to “Tamao” and for Espeon it’s Sakura.
2) People are using lures again
For the die hard players, lures have been few and far between for a few months now. Already today, we saw at least four lures activated simultaneously on the 10 or so Pokéstops on Park Campus. Big shout out to VioletEmily & Jimjam2906 because I caught A LOT of stuff from your lure.
3) New Berries
There are two new berries to accompany Razz Berries — Nanab Berries and Pinap Berries. As you probably know, Razz Berries make wild Pokemon easier to catch, but Nanab Berries will calm Pokémon down and make them less erratic, and Pinap Berries will make Pokémon drop more candy (my bet is this will be very useful).