Love on Campus: Luke and Laura
We can’t resist a university romance. We caught up with these grads to get the full love story and their best Northampton memories!
You guys obviously met at the University of Northampton but can you tell us a little bit more, was it love at first sight?
Laura: We met in my 2nd year of uni and Luke will try and say we met in Paris, but the real story is we met sat on a 36 hour coach journey to Salou on our way to ‘TOUR TOUR TOUR’. I can’t really remember how we got talking but we did and didn’t stop for the majority of the journey. He looked like a younger version of David Beckham (who I adore), so I had a very nice view for the journey. We soon got our nickname of L2 and has stuck with us for the following 6 years!
Luke:Whatever Murph tells you, we met in Paris albeit on a coach on route to our respective sports tours in Salou. My initial thoughts were that she cracked a joke and can keep up with the lads, she could be someone cool to hang out with… I had no idea what was in store over the next six years!
What course did you study and when did you graduate?
Laura: I studied Sports Therapy and was based at both Park Campus and Moulton College, so you got to meet even more people and use more facilities which was great. I graduated in 2012 and started working full time the next day.
Luke: I studied BA Business Studies and completed a four year sandwich course with a year in industry to give me the best shot in the world after I graduated in 2011.
At what point did you realise he/she is the one?
Laura: I still to this day say I could meet David Beckham on the street as it’s always good to keep him on his toes, so who knows if he’s the one, but I suppose I have the next best thing.
Luke: I don’t know if she is the one yet..? but I don’t think there is anyone better either.
What lessons in life and love did you learn in your time studying with us?
Laura: You definitely learn how to grow up at university and I think you make friends for life as these become your uni family. You learn how to live independently and fend for yourself which can be a bit daunting but is a great feeling when you accomplish things for the first time, even if this is making homemade toad in the hole for your housemates.
Luke: I had to delete my Facebook account for a couple of years after a couple of mistakes; I learnt about the power of social media and that you have to give love a couple of goes. I learnt how to cook and I love cooking now especially for Murph. I think the year in industry was critical too! I learnt how to work 9–5 pretty quickly which I then took into my final year; it meant I have evenings free to pretty much do what I want, and I never really got that stressed about deadlines and exams. Don’t ask about the time I revised for the wrong exam and found out the night before ;-)
Basically, university taught me how to survive, I certainly got my fair share of life lessons in preparation for the “real world”
What is your best university of Northampton story/ memory?
Laura: I think I would have to say being part of the cheer family. I joined the cheerleading team in my first year and this was the best thing I ever did. My confidence grew and I got to meet so many people from other teams too which helps with the uni lifestyle. Whilst in the team I went on tour twice where one I was the social sec and it was so much fun and like a holiday you have never been on before! You definitely make memories here that last a life time.
Luke: It had to be the day of sports initiations… I was fortunate enough to be involved in playing for one of the best football teams at the University (Stanhope) and my first true experience with the team was playing in a tournament with other university teams. Stanhope being Stanhope, we decided to play dressed up as Smurfs… an amazing sight for all the Joe public’s walking their dogs around the racecourse. This was followed up by what has the be the most strangest of evenings being put through initiations; it involved raw onions bin bags, a run around campus, tabasco, eggs, nappies, duck-tape and a lot of snow. Again, an amazing site this time for my fellow students who just so happened to be in the area. I am not sure we were allowed to do what we did but hey, the people who I met and played with that year made me the man I am today.
What are your favourite things about each other?
Laura: I have always said I wanted to be with someone who can make you belly laugh and who can dance. He sure can make me belly laugh but he still has some improving to do on those dance moves (he would disagree). He knows me better than I know myself and is just great fun to be around. He also has a delightful behind.
Luke: It’s not often you find a girl who is happy to partake in a drinking game with, cheering each other on throughout the process, we enjoy the same foods (with a bit of education) and same experiences, and to me if you that much in common and you can make me laugh then you’re in! Added bonus: she’s fit.
What are your plans for the future?
Laura: We are currently living with one of our friends who we used to go to uni with as we are saving for a house. We used to live in what was the ‘party apartment’ for about 4 years but thought we best grow up a bit and buy our own ‘party house’. Once the house is sorted we will be back to our parties and amazing holidays together making more memories.
Luke: We are currently saving for a house! After a few years of living our lives, partying and travelling the world, things are getting a bit more serious so we are just living with one of our university friends saving as much as we can waiting for the right opportunity to get onto the ladder; beyond that who knows!