How many of these Monday morning students have you spotted?
You’ve all been there, the 9am lecture on a Monday morning — how many of these people have you spotted?
The Hangman: a bit worse for wear, probably drank too much the night before but so dedicated to the course they still show up.
The Latecomer: the one who never shows up on time and doesn’t want to be noticed, but let’s face it, everyone notices.
The Machine: The “I’ve come straight in from a night out!” person — do they ever sleep? Are they even real?
Twitty McTwitface: The person who needs to be surgically removed from their phone. #InALecture #Learning #Blessed
The Enigma: The person you see everywhere but you still don’t know their name…
The “Why do days have to start so early” person: At 9am nothing looks like a comfier pillow than their notepad. Zzzzz
The “I need to tell everyone what I did at the weekend” person: Do you? Do you really?
The person who has done all of the recommended reading: The lecturer probably loves them! #SmugFace
The Noisy Eater: No one likes this person. Sorry.
Caffeine Junkie: Never seen without a cup of coffee, often shakes.
Mary Poppins: Always looks immaculate and is practically perfect in every way despite the early hour.