Graduate Fashion Week 2016: Final 16

University of Northampton
3 min readJun 7, 2016


Jessica JeffsBA (Hons) Fashion

Twitter: @jessicajeffs / Instagram: @jjeffs123

Inspirations: Inuits and Barbara Hepworth

Dakota Wrist

BA (Hons) Fashion (Textiles for Fashion)

Instagram: @dakotawrist

Taking inspiration from entrapment and a butterfly emerging from a cocoon, Dakota Wrist has produced a beautiful collection using lots of heavy layers and flowing silks.

Tiffany Ruff

BA (Hons) Footwear & Accessories

Instagram: @tiff.ruff

Consisting of rich jewelled tones and ornate detail, Tiffany’s has primarily been influenced by religious architecture and lavish 80's, Club Kids. The New York personalities are well known for their elaborate and outrageous clothing which Tiffany has recreated in her designs.

Gabby Taylor

BA (Hons) Fashion (Textiles for Fashion)

Twitter: @gabitaylor / Instagram: @gabbytaylor95

Inspired by a photograph of three fashionista’s posing beside a man sleeping on the street at New York Fashion Week, Gabby decided to combine the two different styles in her final collection. One particular photographer that influenced Gabby was Andres Serrano.

Sean Legatt

BA (Hons) Fashion

Twitter: @seanrleggett / Instagram: @seanleggett93

Ellie Pask

BA (Hons) Fashion

Alice Chambers

BA (Hons) Fashion

Instagram: @alicechambo

Dawn Reed

BA (Hons) Fashion

Instagram: @dawnellenreed

Prabina Pun

BA (Hons) Fashion (Textiles for Fashion)

Instagram: @prabinaaaa

Madia Bostan

BA (Hons) Fashion (Textiles for Fashion)

Katy Frost

BA (Hons) Fashion

Twitter: @katyfrost

Instagram: @katyfr0st

Heather Jenkinson

BA (Hons) Footwear & Accessories

Instagram: @henkyjenk

Laura Budryte

BA (Hons) Fashion

Instagram: @laurabudryte

Twitter: @laurabudryte

Brooke Ferrison

BA (Hons) Fashion (Textiles for Fashion)

Instagram: @brookeferrison

Shanel Brown

BA (Hons) Fashion (Textiles for Fashion)

Instagram: @miz_s_brown

Jordan Shields

BA (Hons) Fashion

Twitter: @_jordanshields

Instagram: @jordanpaulashleyshields



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