Frances Green — MA Education
MA Education graduate Frances Green talks about the inspiration and enjoyment she found on her course.
The University of Northampton has acted as both a support network and facilitator in supporting me to study at masters level. I initially started my MA in Nottingham, however the commute from Milton Keynes was unmanageable whilst obtaining a full-time teaching job. The changeover to the University of Northampton was one of the best educational decisions that I have made. It is not only closer, but the endless support and resources provided by the lecturers and tutoring staff have made the completion of my masters extremely enjoyable. I decided to study for a MA because I have passion and enthusiasm for academic writing. Whilst challenging, academic writing is a fantastic platform to express myself and my experiences as a teacher-researcher.
Studying MA Education at Northampton had an abundance of advantages, particularly the extensive modular choices. I found the most enjoyable module to be International Perspectives on Education. This module encouraged me to compare the current UK education system with that of another country. My comparison was between China and the UK. This module in turn influenced my decision to travel to China and to visit an international school. I was engaged and enthused by learning about Chinese historical culture that has shaped their education system and in turn, understanding how certain aspects are comparable to that of the UK, while others are unrecognisable.
A module that significantly developed my skills of academic writing was the year-long thesis module. The opportunities that this provided for me was the freedom to choose a relevant and interesting topic that I could use directly within my workplace. The lessons learned from my thesis are still being implemented and modified in my school practice, which has led to me being more critically reflective. There were times that studying for a thesis and working full time had its challenges, however the impact the studies had on my academic writing and portraying myself as a teacher researcher have made it all fundamentally worthwhile. Studying for an MA provides credibility and respect in a workplace and the keen interest in recent publications can be profoundly beneficial to support others.
My advice to those considering studying at Northampton would be to embrace all the opportunities that are provided and to use the support network available. The tutor and mentor facilities are incredibly understanding and encouraging. Finally, enjoy the freedom of academic research because there are fewer opportunities in the workplace to express yourself so freely. Good luck!