Christmas 2016 — Information for Residents
As you will be aware the University is scheduled to close from Friday 23rd December 2016 and will reopen at 9am on Tuesday 3rd January 2017.
Important check list for those going home:
- Remember there are no cleaning services during the vacation. Please ensure your fridges and cupboards are emptied of any perishable food.
- All dirty dishes and plates are washed up and put away
- All kitchen waste and recycling has been removed and placed in rubbish/recycling bins outside
- All empty bottles have been removed and placed in glass bins outside
- All bedroom rubbish has been removed and all electrical equipment has been turned off at the sockets.
- Make sure that you close your windows and curtains — especially if you are on the ground floor.
- Take any valuables home with you.
- Make sure you lock your door when you leave.
Important information for those staying on Campus:
Security staff will be on Campus 24hrs a day throughout the Christmas vacation. If you experience any difficulties during the vacation, please do not hesitate to contact them. If appropriate, they will be able to contact other members of support staff to resolve your query.
Security can be contacted in the following ways:
Residential Life Team
Various members of the team will be available over the holiday period on the following days between 5pm and 8pm and at the following locations:
On those highlighted dates (above) Residential Life Staff will also be available between 8.30am-4.30pm.
The residential life team can be contacted by calling 07740716592/93 if at Park/Avenue and 07568 130190 if at St Johns house/halls.
Overnight Guest Applications
Any overnight guest requests for nights between 24th December and 5th January will need to be submitted by midday on the 21st December or they will not be approved and your guests will not be permitted to stay.
Student Centre
The Student Centre and associated Student Services teams, except the Residential Life Team, will close on Friday 23rd December 2016 and re-open at 9.00am on Tuesday 3rd January 2017.
The library will have limited opening times over the vacation period:
· 19th-23rd December 9am-5pm
· 24th Dec-2nd Jan CLOSED
· 3rd-6th Jan 9am-5pm
IT Suites
The IT suite in the Maidwell blue corridor (Avenue) and Grendon 157 (Park) will be available throughout the vacation. However, it is unlikely that support services will be available during the vacation period.
Multi-faith Chaplaincy
For some, Christmas is a time for reflection. Therefore if you wish to use the multi-faith Chaplaincy, please could you contact Security to arrange access.
Health Care
· The Surgery on Park Campus will be closed over the Christmas period. Students registered here can still get appointments at Mouton Surgery (120 Northampton Lane North, Moulton, NN3 7QP).
· If medical advice is needed when the surgeries are shut you can call NHS direct on 111 who will give appropriate advice on all health matters.
· Only in emergencies you can call the emergency services on 999. Please inform security if doing so.
· The on-site SU Express Shop will be open 8am-6pm from 19th-23rd December and will then be closed until 3rd January at 8am. From 3rd-6th January it will be open between 8am-6pm.
· The local supermarkets will be closed on Christmas Day (25th December), Boxing Day (26th December) and New Year’s Day (1st January).
· Krates convenience store (Boughton Green Road) will be open throughout most of the vacation.
For additional opening times please see notices in these stores.
Banking and ATM machines
· The Campus Branch of Santander will be closed from 5pm on Friday 16th December and reopens on Wednesday 4th January 2017.
· Cash will still be available from ATM machines at Park, Avenue and other ATMs located off-site at local banks.
Rail Services
All rail companies run reduced services over the Christmas period. There are likely to be further alterations and disruptions where repair work is carried out. Check before you travel and further information can be found at
Bus Services
The UNO bus service will be running a reduced service over the vacation, please follow the links below to get full details:
Service 19 —
Service 21 —
Please note that there will be no postal delivery within the University from the 24th December to the 3rd January.
Maintenance works over the vacation period:
The following maintenance work will be taking place over the vacation period, please note you do not have to be present when this work takes place but you will need to contact the facilities helpdesk ( if you want to arrange a time when you can be.
Showerhead cleaning: Will take place in halls between 19th-23rd Dec 2016 & 3rd-6th January 2017
Fire Extinguisher Checks: 9th & 10th January 2017: All halls (including twin rooms).
Important information for those residents whose contracts come to an end over the Christmas period:
For some of you your halls of residence contract will be expiring over the Christmas holiday.
If your contract comes to an end over the Christmas period please can you ensure that you hand your keys back in before you leave.
You can hand your keys in to the accommodation office (located in the student centre) between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday up until the 23rd December 2016.
Between the 24th December 2016 and the 3rd January 2017 (and also on any other date) you can hand your keys back to Security (Based in Holdenby at Park, Reception at St Johns and Quinton House at Avenue) at any time.