Avenue Campus: A Tourist’s Guide
This time with video.
The crowds went wild (sort of)for our Park Campus Tourist’s Guide, and so that they don’t feel left out, we’ve put together a similar guide for Avenue Campus. Harry and Matthew from the social media team take us around the campus and this time even added a video!
Take it away, guys:
Avenue Campus Highlights, by Harry and Matthew
The Racecourse Park
The views from the front of Avenue roll out across the Racecourse which is now a large park. This sculpture, by a uni student BTW, points towards the centre of town. There’s tennis, play parks, football fields, a rugby pitch and a tiny forest in a large, sprawling park which used to be, wait for it, a racecourse.
Newton building is one of the more architecturally pleasing buildings on Campus, built in it houses classrooms, offices and a hall where we host distinguished guest speakers.
There’s also this post box outside. Thrilling.
Harry enjoyed the stage, a budding thespian, that one.
The Engineering Lab
The lab was closed, but it looked really interesting as we peered in through the door, all sciencey and cool, and you can see the inside in this lovely sphere photo… (Side note a lot of things on Campus were closed, but that’s what you get for trying to make the tour in the summer vacation. We’ll do another one of these in the autumn and it’ll be buzzin’ I tell ya.)
Newton Cafe
Continuing the theme of awesome facilities, Newton Cafe serves as one of the many places to get something to eat on campus. Like the FUEL cafes on Park, they serve sandwiches, hot drinks and cakes in term time.
Apple Tree
As a previous student here, Harry was adamant that this tree in the car park had, and I quote, “the best apples in the world.” He tried one and made a face like like he’d just been stabbed, either because it was so sour, or because it wasn’t as good as he remembered and the cold cold knife of nostalgia buried itself deep within his heart. It was probably the sourness.
The tree looks eminently climbable but we didn’t try, partly because we’re professionals and partly because it was actually quite cold outside for August and so we thought “meh”.
We’ve got a Greggs at Avenue Campus, so you can get two Belgian buns for a pound and pretend that they aren’t both for you. There’s also some seating, another canteen/cafe thingy which was mercifully open, and a rather nifty IT/common room place where Harry sat down and actually started to do some work before before he was dragged away.
There’s loads of space to sit and/or work in and around Maidwell building, just find a spot to chill out, connect to the WiFi and get to it. :)
The Library
Just like Park, Avenue Campus has a great library, full of wonder, knowledge and magic. We went in looking for books on digital marketing and were not disappointed. We should be able to do our jobs properly now; thanks library!
As well as book-borrowing, the library has book sales, computers, journals, past dissertations and project work, and a great view out of the front of the building over the racecourse.
Next we headed outside and around to the back of the Campus, where you’ll find the SU and the shop. Before that, however, you get to:
The Student Centre
The student centre will be your first port of call for anything student-y that you need help with. You can find information about the services they provide here. But basically if you need something, they’ll either know how to get it or know who does so pop in and say hi, they are all really friendly in there.
We tried our best Zoolander poses… Harry does it better we think.
There’s also a cash point here, so you can check your balance and cry because it’s all gone and it is only the second week of term.
The Students’ Union
Next up is the SU bar and shop. The bar has a stage, pool, and a bar, as well as a nice outside decking area to sit out and relax. There’s always stuff going on in the SU, and you can find information about all their events here.
The shop provides great value snacks and drinks for those late night study sessions, or allows you to stock up on much needed uni supplies like pens and notebooks. The SU operates a fantastic loyalty scheme across both campuses, so you’ll save money as you shop as well.
And there we are, all that was left was to get the bus back to the office and edit together the video. We had a great time over at Avenue Campus which has some really cool facilities. Our favourite part was the library which is a really good place to get your head down and study. If you’re an avenue student what’s the best things about Avenue? Let us know on #UoN @UniNorthants.