Academic Resources: Learning Development
We’d like to introduce to you the marvelous, magical resource that is Learning Development.
For those of you who don’t know, Learning Development is a readily available resource where students can receive guidance and tuition on any and all academic skills. Anything from essay writing, presentation skills, critical analysis, dissertations to maths & statistics. Basically they’re academic superheroes.
What’s more, they understand that each person has a different learning style so they offer a wide range of teaching methods (i.e. class-based workshops, one-to-one tutorials & telephone/skype tutorials) so that you can get the help that you need to succeed! Here’s a little low-down on what they could do for you…
Study guides
There’s a number of online resources available right at your fingertips! There’s material on everything from how to perfect a bibliography, how to effectively manage your time and how to revise for an exam to how to effectively report statistics… and everything in between.
If you’re more of a face-to-face learner (or you just want someone to talk to) you can book an appointment for a tutorial on whatever it is that you are struggling with. Thanks to technology, this can even be by Skype so you don’t even have to leave the house! (Unless your housemates are noisy, of course).
BUT, if you’re in the midst of a blind panic and you don’t have time to wait for an appointment and you need to see someone IMMEDIATELY, drop-ins are also available!
For more times and more information on drop-ins & tutorials head to:
Maths & Statistics
Help with stats? Yes please! The legend that is Paul the maths tutor is here to help anyone that finds maths a bit tricky.
If you wish to find out more information on the Learning Development resources head over to their NILE site, you don’t even have to login, they’re that nice about sharing learning resources: and click on Learning Development at the top.
Alternatively you can email them at:
Or visit them at:
Avenue Campus: Avenue Library, MG13 & MG14, St George’s Avenue, Northampton, NN2 6JD
Park Campus: Park Library (upstairs), Room R220, Boughton Green Road, Northampton, NN2 7AL