9 Reasons to Love the 9am Lecture
No one really wants them. But learn to embrace them and they become your friend, ally and secret weapon.
- There’s no better alarm clock
It can be a struggle to motivate yourself to get up early when you know there’s nothing on the timetable. A 9am lecture gives you something to get up for, lending some much-needed structure to the day.
2. Your tutor recognises you
There’s no better way to stand out at university than being bright eyed and ready for a 9am lecture.
Getting to know your tutors is a great way to get the most out of your time at University. Goodwill from tutors is invaluable when you need some extra advice or an extension on a deadline if something goes wrong.
3. The rest of the day is yours
Subject to other timetabled commitments. But once your 9am is over, you’re on campus and you’re ready to make it a productive day.
4. Keep that 100% attendance rate
Studies show that student who attend lectures and seminars are more likely to succeed in their degree.
Do you want to succeed? Do you?
5. Structure is key to success
It might seem mundane, but a regular routine built around the structure of your timetable and independent study will ensure that you get the work done with plenty of time for everything else.
The early starts needed for 9am lectures will set you on the right route to routine.
6. You’re safe in the knowledge that your day can get better
Some people love lectures, others hate the intrusion into their life. Bite the bullet, attend it and then it’s done and everything looks better from there.
7. You get that car parking space!
Car parks are emptier early in the day. So get on campus and book in that prime slot. 9am lectures are great for ensuring you get the space and don’t have to spend half a tank of fuel just scouting for space.
8. Karma
Build-up those good karma points. Virtuous acts build up to a virtuous and good life. Keep on the righteous path by attending the toughest of times.
9. The world is beautiful in the morning
The early morning sun, the music of the dawn chorus painting a glorious welcome to another day on planet earth. Truly a great time to be alive and to be awake. Allow nature to ease you into a great mood and into that 9am session.
How do you stay motivated for those early morning starts?
Share your routines and tricks to morning greatness #UNandYou