7 Tips to help to Write Assignments
Our resident International Student blogger Dhriti takes on assignments this week with her top tips!
Those of us who have already submitted at least one assignment or are about to submit, we know the struggle is REAL. It is obvious that if you are writing academically for the first time, you will face a lot of challenges. So to help, here are my top tips:
- Make a mental note: It won’t be easy!
It will definitely not be a piece of cake if you are not used to this method of working in your previous education. The sooner you accept that, the easier things would be. There is plenty of support out there to help so if you are really stuck speak to your Personal Academic Tutor or the Learning Development team.
2. Plan your work.
Being a student at University, no one will plan your time for you. It is totally up to you to plan things out in an efficient way to make sure you reach your deadlines.
3. Stick to the schedule you make for yourself.
If I am being honest here, none of us really stick to the schedules we make for working around the assignment, but it is actually important that we try our best to do it.
(P.S. I know this is extremely hard to achieve but at least try! It does help, honest.)
4. Read the assignment brief carefully.
Understanding what is actually expected from you would definitely lead to you producing good quality work. Need extra clarification, talk to your course tutor or the Learning Development team.
5. Understand the importance of your tutor.
Nothing will help you more in those last 3 days than the advice your tutors give you. It is therefore EXTREMELY important that you have your tutors look at your drafts.
6. Get over your fear of ‘starting’
We get hesitant when it comes to initiating the writing bit and just keep on doing the research. We do really want our work to be perfect, but it is important not put off the writing for very long.
Just follow the instructions laid out for you and everything will fall into place and you will finally be able to submit your work on time.
If none of this works just remember as Chris Bradford says “A samurai must remain calm at all times, even in the face of danger”!