7 Reasons to be Excited to Come Back to University
You’re pining for your uni lifestyle and we know exactly why you’ve missed it!
1. You miss the squad.
You get that uneasy feeling like you’re forgetting something. Really you’re just missing the uni fam.
2. You crave being independent again.
You miss being able to do what you want when you want.
‘Where are you going at 1am in the morning on a Wednesday night Sharon?!’
3. Your family are getting on your nerves.
They drink straight from the milk bottle and eat the leftover curry you saved from the night before. You’re living with a wild pack of animals and you can’t take it.
4. You miss the mess.
You’ve grown accustom to navigating your filthy mess of a room. But you can’t get away with it anymore.
5. Your Tuesdays aren’t quite so insane anymore.
Say goodbye to the spontaneous fun times, you’ve got an entire series of Orange is the New Black to catch up on.
6. You miss meeting new people.
Meeting your friends friend, realizing that you have a lot in common and going on to spend every waking minute being a hilarious duo.
7. Your degree is calling you.
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s the sound of your future.