5 Things you Need to Know Before Moving into Uni Halls.
We cannot wait to welcome you to campus. Whether you are staying on campus at Waterside or any of our other locations— we have put together an essential list of stuff you will need to know before moving into halls.
- Get PAT Tested
PAT Testing (Portable Appliance Testing) is an essential safety test for stuff that pulls power from the wall. Hair-dryers, laptops, everything good really. It’s part of your accommodation contract that you get this done.
It only costs a few pounds, so google “PAT Testing” and get it done before you move in. If you’re struggling, we’ll be offering a limited amount of testing over Welcome Weekend, but there won’t be enough for everyone.
Portable Appliance Testing will be provided as a goodwill gesture to support students in achieving their contractual obligations if they have been unable to comply prior to arrival, and will be offered at specific times/locations over Welcome weekend. The service is not intended to cover all students moving in to Halls of Residence, and if students are unable to attend they will be directed to a chargeable service.
So ideally get your things PAT tested before you arrive, but we will have limited service to do it on campus at Welcome Weekend.
If you’re confused about what to get tested, it’s everything that plugs into the wall, and you’ll need the device, not just the charger.
2. Candles = Can-don’ts
Who doesn’t love a candle? Yankee Candle Black Cherry and Fresh Linen are utter bliss and great for setting the mood, relaxing and clearing away the fug that builds up in the average student room.
In halls however, candles are a big no-no, for obvious reasons which I’m sure you don’t need me to point out.
As an alternative you can get battery operated candles which look the same and don’t run the risk of burning the place down.
Also prohibited are Fairy-lights which plug into the wall, for much the same overheating reasons. Battery powered fairy-lights are A-OK, so feel free to add some sparkle to your life with these. :)
3. Guests are Welcome!
Everyone needs a little company now and then. Someone to talk to, someone to laugh with, share a glass of wine with (please drink responsibly!) One of the great things about accommodation here at Northampton is that we do allow guests to stay up to 48 hours in Halls of Residence with a student- while the student is present.
To request a guest you will need to do this a minimum of 2 working days before the date the guest is due to stay and it is subject to the University’s approval (highly likely you’ll be approved unless there’s a specific reason why not).
There’s also an Overnight Guest Policy that you’ll need to adhere to here.
4. Be prepared for the £300 refundable deposit
When you accept your room offer you’ll need to pay £300 deposit for Keys and Damages.
While £300 is a lot of money (and some Universities’ charge far higher rates) this is a refundable deposit that you will get back at the end of the year.
What do you have to do to make sure you get your money back- don’t destroy your room or lose your keys over and over again.
5. Read your Getting Started guide.
You will be emailed a copy of your getting started guide.
It’s your essential guide to enrolment and moving in, make sure to read it before you arrive so you know what to bring.
We cannot wait until you join us. Moving into your halls is one of the most exciting experiences of your Uni life and we want it all to go smoothly.