19 Instagrams that prove working in a Uni Marketing Department is the best job ever!
Assistant Director in Marketing, Sarah Bradley knows what’s up.
1. STUDENTS. Wonderful, weird, loud, quiet, in every form they come in. Students really do make our jobs worth doing.
2. Universities got some serious history, yo. That stuff just writes itself!
3. Guest lectures. It’s not just our students that benefit!
4. Staff Development. Working in a university does wonders for the credentials on your CV.
5. No two days are the same. Seriously. Ever.
6. Getting to cover events that inspire those in school to get into Higher Education is so much fun.
7. CAKE. No self-respecting university marketing department would be without it.
8. Fully stocked on-campus shop…
9. Coffee is ALWAYS on hand around campus.
10. Open Days are the absolute bomb. Meeting prospective students and their parents/friends/children/dogs makes the months of hard slog getting content right worth it.
11. The amazing things that happen on campus for students and staff. Petting zoo, anyone?
12. Supporting the uni sports teams during Varsity makes you get all patriotic and want to don a uni hoodie.
13. Everyone in the department is a tiny bit odd. AND WE LOVE IT.
14. You feel like you’re a real part of the local community and that your content helps make a difference.
15. Fridays are a tiny bit shorter than the other days in the week which means everyone is in a great mood.
16. The philanthropy of marketers knows no bounds. We love a good cause to get behind and really want to help make a difference.
17. We have the opportunity to work with some incredible partners.
18. We see students from their first ever tweet to us go through their degree and then graduate. It’s a genuine honour and a heck of a lot of fun. We ❤ our students!
19. Our VC is really cool, so that helps! #PerfectInstagramMaterial