12 Simple Tips to Improve your Social Media for UoN Academics.
As academics, we know that you’re always doing amazing and interesting stuff with students, teaching and research. However we don’t have unlimited time to find it all on social media so we can shout about it. Here are some ways you can help us make the most of your amazing work.
- Set location as Park Campus, Avenue Campus or Northampton. (On Instagram, you’ll need to have location turned on on your phone for this to work)
- Use recognisable places on campus (like the front of Holdenby, Newton Building or a recognisable teaching space) and in Northampton (like the Guild Hall).
- Tag us on #UoN.
- Hashtags we search for include - #UoN, #Northampton #University, #Northamptonuniversity, #Universityofnorthampton#UniNorthants etc..
- Don’t post too often, but post regularly, once per day for twitter, a couple of times a day for Instagram.
- Respond to comments, create a conversation
- Posts we want to see - Happy students, completed dissertations, campus pics, Northampton pics, interactive workshops, special seminars etc. Positive, positive, positive!!
8. Don’t use unnatural filters as they blur your image. Enhance your images but keep them realistic, set filters to around 25%.
9. Rule of thirds.
10. Leave breathing space in your pictures. Utilise Negative space.
11. Popular hashtags we add to images on Instagram to increase likes - #Love, #Instagood, #Photooftheday, #Summer, #UoN
12. Post pictures into the staff facebook group for extra reach amongst colleagues.
13. Keep your Marketing Account Manager informed: If you have an event, let Sam know, as she is the central point for you, if Sam knows, we’ll know and can plan in content. The more notice the better.